Client Focus
client focus
Our clients have been and will always be our main focus, as without them IWM would not exist. We value highly the long-term relationships we have with our clients and their families.
Everything we do at IWM revolves around our clients and ensuring they achieve their goals and objectives, so they can live the lifestyle they want in retirement.
At IWM we partner with our clients to explore their options and opportunities and develop a step by step financial plan and strategy designed specifically for their special needs and circumstances.
Being totally independent and impartial we are able to focus on our clients’ needs and concerns, unlike other financial advice firms that are conflicted and required to sell products and services to their clients.
The team at IWM truly cares about our clients and value the relationships with them. Clients to us are like family and friends, and so we are always focused on what’s in their best interests.
- Our clients’ best interests always come first, as they are the reason IWM exists.
- We are a local firm owned by the partners who serve the clients and not shareholders.
- Our advice is truly independent and impartial and focused on the best possible client outcomes.
- Every client is important to us and has special needs and circumstances, so our advice and services are highly personalised and reflect this.

AFSL No. 493459
Suite 411, Lakehouse Corporate Space,
34 Glenferrie Drive, Robina, QLD, 4226